iran wire rods: Wire rod is a hot rolled steel product classified its shape. It is a rolled alloy or plain carbon steel product, produced from a semi mainly billet. It has a round, rectangular or other cross-section. In case of rounds its diameter ranges from 5.5 mm to 14 mm. Wire rod is wound into coils and transported in this form.
Wire rod coil is held in a unit with at least four steel straps in the transverse direction and transported and stored without further packaging. Before the steel strapping is applied, the wire rod must be sufficiently compressed. The strapping is fixed in the transverse direction with a single circumferential strap so that the strapping does not slip and cause the coil to come apart.
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Head office
Tehran-Vizara Street-(Khaled Islambouli)-Plaque 7-Nash 1st-Unit 9
kashan office
iran-Kashan-Amirkabir Industrial Town 2-Imam Ali Square Company-Poya Steel
Ahan Makan office, Azadegan highway, tehran, iran
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